Names and Wards are provided below for your convenience. Please use the Directory App on your phone for personal contact information.


Stake Self-Reliance Committee
Stake Presidency 2nd Counsellor – Mark Short
Stake High Council Representative – Spencer McBride
Stake Relief Society President – Malayna Stromness
Chairman, Bishop’s Council/Welfare Committee – Brent Page
Stake Self-Reliance Specialist – Clark Burbidge
Stake Employment Specialist – Steve Lamb
Regional Manager, Self-Reliance Services – Mark McCashland
Ward Self-Reliance Specialists
2nd Ward: TBD, Contact Bishop Hawley
3rd Ward: Dewey Landsaw
6th Ward: TBD, Contact Bishop Page
8th Branch: Doug Keeler
9th Ward: Mark Rima
12th Ward: Doug Piggott
13th Ward: TBD, Contact Bishop Phillips