May 2024


  • May 9 Stake Blood Drive 1 - 7pm @ Apple Chapel
  • May 23 – 7PM RS Mini Birthday activity - If you have a Birthday in Oct, Nov or Dec come join us and gather at Pat Child’s Home (941 W 1200 S). If you are unable to attend when your Birthday rolls around, feel free to come join us during any mini Birthday activity.         
  • June 5-8 Stake Young Men’s Camp
  • June 8th ward Temple Bountiful 6:30pm for Sealings
  • RS Temple Endowment night at the Layton Temple 6:30pm.  the Dedication is on Sunday June 16th at 10am and 1pm. date will be TBA after this date.
  • June 18-20 Stake Young Women’s Camp
  • July 8-12 FHY youth turning 14 and older @ Weber State University
  • Sept 6-7 RS Campout at Heber Campgrounds. 
  • Single Adult Gathering Place- Single Adults age 25(ish) - 35(ish) is taking place every Thursday night at the Bountiful Orchard Stake Center. Classes begins at 7pm and dinner is served each week at 8pm.  Address  3599 South Orchard Drive.




 For more information you can go to our ward website @ http://www.wxn.chuech/13


 “May we see the Light of Christ in others constantly and help them see it in themselves.”

-Elder Mark A. Bragg









May 12th - MOTHERS DAY! – Short Lesson by Kathleen Steadman. Followed by soda  and popcorn bar!!!

May 26th – “Pillars and Rays” - By Elder Alexander Dushku of the Seventy - Taught by Kathy Wellisch


May 23rd @ 7:00pm @ Pat's home (941 West 1200 South)  Mini Birthday Activity for the months Oct, Nov & Dec. But any sister is welcome.

May 2024

4 - Staci Day

4 - Cami Lou Harris

4 - Michelle Udy

5 - Camille Carter

7 - Morgan Fredrick

11 - Brooke Nielsen

21 - Rachel Jenkins

21 - Jessica Tripp

31 - Sandra Mowers