Important Dates: April 10 Family Fest 2024! Flyer here  ♦  April 1-29 Temple Closed  ♦  May Ward Temple Night TBD

Join our 13th Ward's FamilySearch Group 

We have a Woods Cross 13th Ward Group on FamilySearch. Ward members can add family names that need ordinances performed. When you need to take a name to the temple-check the group to see what is available. This is a great opportunity to help others complete their ancestors work or get help with your own family names. You can always take your names back to your own reservations as needed. We only have a few users and would love to build this up. Click here to join.

Family History Tip of the Week

Have a few minutes and want to help? The FamilySearch Opportunites Page has several ways you can assist making names searchable by reviewing and editing names or places that have been entered incorrectly. It is quick, easy and makes a HUGE difference because incorrect information exclude names from being eligible for ordinances. Access these opportunities here.

    If you have questions or would like help with family history or taking names to the temple, contact Mary Christensen 801-604-6971 marebare626@comcast.net

Past Tips of the Week

Did you know that your church memberships gets you FREE access to Ancestry.com? Ancestry is a goldmine for anyone with US ancestors and is the best place to find immigration and census records. It can also lead you to records in other countries as well. It is very user friendly and can connect with FamilySearch. Sign up here.
Want to take your family names to the temple? The quickest way is from the Ordinance Ready page, which gives you up to 4 names for any ordinance. Click here to take you there.
Have you linked all your Ancestry tree members to FamilySearch (and vice versa)? This is a great way to take names to the temple. If you haven't signed up for your FREE Ancestry account you can here.