Here's how some members of our ward are using Come Follow Me


This has been a interesting time to be a member of Christ's church upon the  earth.  But it is one that our family has been enjoying.  We've defiantly felt an increase of the Spirit in our home and in our personal lives.  When we've had our little sacrament meeting, we've enjoyed singing our opening, sacrament, and closing hymns.  I've even noticed an increase in volume over the past few weeks!   We've also had our testimonies grow each week as we discuss the lesson  from "Come Follow Me."  What a great thing it is to discuss the gospel as a family.  To teach one another what had meaning to each of us and why we liked a particular point that was made in the lesson.

As a father I really enjoy sitting back and listening to my daughters teach me what they have learned, and to hear of their testimonies growing because of what they have read and studied, especially because they normally don't talk much in normal church, this time has been a particular blessing to me and my wife to get them sharing their testimonies more.

I am very thankful for the inspired preparation of our prophet to bring forth the "Come Follow Me" program for us at this time, when it is more important than ever to build faith in our own homes and strengthen the walls of our homes against the evils of the day.  How blessed we have been as we've tried to follow the prophet and increase our gospel study at home.  I've felt the effects of President Nelson's promise to us, that if we read the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon every day we'll make better decisions every day.

Jared Peters

Come Follow Me has been a blessing for our family.  The lessons may not be as long or as insightful as we were hoping.  It all depends on how engaged we can get the children. Some weeks are definitely better than others.  Our family seems to ask more questions and get more involved.  The kids have surprised us with some of their comments/answers or questions.  They truly are understanding more than we think they do.  They love to hear the stories and stop us in the middle to ask what words mean or ask questions about what is happening. I love that we can have the one on one with them to teach them in a way that helps them understand.  We also love the singing time that we do. We love the primary songs and the spirit that it brings.  My children will sing more and get more involved with singing because they aren’t as worried as much if they don’t know the words right off.  We are so thankful for the come follow me and know that it will continue to bless us in our lives.

The Bertram’s

Come Follow Me, for our family is far from perfect.  However, we have noticed that even with our struggles the Lord makes up for what we lack.  Our kids seem to understand the stories and doctrine better, even if we’re not sure they are listening.  They surprise us with answers throughout the week.  I encourage all to make an extra effort at this time to grow closer to God as a family and individually.
Brother Kurtis Anderson 

We are doing our best to recreate the church experience at home. We start out with some announcements about the upcoming week, then have an opening hymn and prayer.  We then do a brief overview of what we are going to talk about.  Before starting, Devin will get out bread and cups of water, preparing the sacrament.  We will have a sacrament hymn and then I bless the sacrament, having Devin distribute it to the family.  
We then discuss a gospel subject as a family.  We will then turn to the Come Follow Me lesson of the week.  Reading scripture and discussing the talking points.  We will watch any associated videos from the lesson and corresponding Book of Mormon videos.  We end with a hymn and closing prayer. 
This does not always go smoothly.  We are trying to have the kids take a more active role in the lessons and prepare a talk.  It has not been successful yet, but we will keep trying and keep moving forward.  That is the important thing. 

Jake VanderToolen

Studying Come Follow Me has been a great blessing for our family, but it hasn’t always been easy. With two active little boys, we have sometimes found it difficult to come together to study, and we have consequently missed some weeks. However, over the past two or three months we have made a greater effort to study Come Follow Me daily. We’ve found that studying the personal section as a family each night works better for us. Then on Sunday we go through the family section and discuss and recap things we’ve learned during the week. These discussions have strengthened our testimonies. Faithfully studying the lessons and assigned scriptures has brought a special spirit into our home. We are very grateful for this inspired study guide.
Scott Family

Come Follow Me has been such a blessing for our family.  It allows us to break things down and helps us understand the gospel better and helps bring the gospel into our home more. It also allows us to ask and answer questions that make us think deeper about the gospel. We've enjoyed the spirit that Come Follow Me brings into our home.
The Whitmills

Especially while we've been having church at home, Come Follow Me has been a blessing to our family. We have had such a beautiful experience with our kids preparing their talks for home sacrament using the scriptures/topic for the week. Lyall taught us about the Savior a few weeks ago and Sadie taught us about King Benjamin's sermon on Service last Sunday. We have used the idea at the end for our family night lessons, accompanied by the awesome Book of Mormon videos. These experiences brought the spirit into our home. I love how the manual breaks chapters of scripture into smaller bites, so even children can absorb and remember the information. I have really loved having direction and a path for my own scripture study by following along with CFM. I have enjoyed personal revelation and confirmation of the Spirit as I have pondered the questions posed in the week's lesson.  Some weeks it's really hard to get everyone in a calm and receptive place. But when it happens, we can see the goodness and simple truths of the gospel sinking into our kids and into ourselves. 

Sister Maxfield

At the end of each day we sit down as a family and start our Come Follow Me. Starting with Bryce (Dad), we go down the family and each person has a day to be on the lesson. On Sunday night we introduce the new week’s lesson, topics, and themes. The person in charge chooses who reads what, and how we do that day’s lesson. Monday through Friday we pick one of the topics, or read through some of the scriptures assigned for that week. We discuss as a family and share our individual thoughts or questions. We’ve done activities involving the lessons, such as play acting, hide and seek with scriptures and objects, we’ve watched videos, and done act outs for the scriptures. On Saturday we recap the week and ask any additional follow up questions we have had. During our Sunday family meetings we split into groups and do lessons involving the Come Follow Me, and start it all back up again that night with the recap.


As a family, we introduce the new week of “Come Follow Me” in Family Home Evening. Each week a different family member is in charge. We go through the Family home even section and discuss the different topics. Throughout the week we read the scriptures and discuss a different question in the individual study.  We do really well finishing the readings as a family. However, it is hard for us to get any sort of discussion going as a family.  We feel that things are going well but some good discussions on gospel topics would really make things more enjoyable and a better learning environment for everyone in our household.

The Millards

Ward Family,

We miss you dearly and pray for your health and safety in this difficult time. If we put the challenges aside, and look at this pandemic with the perspective of finding the blessings that come from social distancing and staying at home I believe there are several noticeable blessings that jump out and are glaringly obvious. The first is the appreciation we have for our friends and neighbors. Our well has gone dry and we miss the life-giving water that your relationships bring to us. Everyone in our household is extremely anxious to get back to visiting with you, gathering, worshiping and having activities. Also, we have been able to look at our priorities a little closer and have seen shift in philosophy and can't help but notice that our Prophets have been suggesting these things all along. Another blessing is that we have noticed an increased amount of time to do Come Follow Me and our worship services at home. Our family study has been far from perfect, but we have been more diligent and have seen an increased participation from our children, which is a big deal for me as a father.

Our traditional evening routine is family dinner together, followed by our tradition of reading a chapter from the Book of Mormon. After our Book of Mormon study we turn to the 'Come Follow Me'. Our study follows several online resources. We use the manual for individuals and families, of course. But we also find great discussion topics, videos, quotes, and lesson ideas from the youth manual, the primary manual, the seminary manual and the institute manual. By using these multiple resources I have found ideas to keep all of the ages of my family involved. This is a challenge. Attached is picture of my children watching a video of King Benjamin giving his address.
If it's not evident, my kids are pushing each other off of the furniture and fighting. This is typical, however, throughout the video as I ask the kids what he is talking about, they can answer correctly. So, despite their misbehavior, they listen.  I am excited to hear how others experiences are going, and value any suggestions for our study.

I am grateful for the time we do have as a family to be part of this home study program. I know my children understand that this is important to us, that they are learning, and that we are closer as a family for doing this. I hope from these moments they start to learn our family priorities. Again, it's not perfect, but isn't that the point of growth?

Love, Brother Goudy.

Hello my dear ward family.  When thinking about sharing our Come Follow Me journey the thoughts that come to mind are that we don't do anything special. We try to do it one day during the week for our lesson for family night and now more recently we do I different part if the lesson as part of our church on Sunday. What I have loved about when we do it for family night is that we invite whom ever is on the scripture and lesson to read through the manual and pick the topic and/or scripture that they think our family should discuss that day. It has been really cool to see the kids be an active part of teaching the principles of the gospel. 

Does this go smoothly every time we try it? Of course not. Sometimes we have really great discussions and you can feel the spirit and bare testimony of the what you are learning. Sometimes no one wants to listen, or read the scripture. Sometimes they are wondering all a round and hiding under the table. The reality is that it isn't perfect and we might miss doing family night one week, but each week we commit to trying our best and hope that it goes well. 

One of the greatest blessings of the atonement is that we don't have to be prefect, we get to try our best and recommit every week. I love you and pray that you know how much the Lord loves you too.

Sister Richards 
The picture is of Hunter reading King Benjamin's address from the tower. 

2024 Block Schedule
790 West 1500 South 
Woods Cross, UT
Temple Recommend Interviews
1st and 3rd Tuesday 
7:00pm-8:00 pm at the Ward
8:00pm-9:00pm at the Stake