Website Purpose
This website provides incidental information to facilitate and coordinate communication within the Woods Cross Utah North Stake (the “Stake”) of the Church. Information contained herein is not private, non-public, personal and/or confidential.

Website Maintenance
Maintenance of this website is under the direction of the stake executive secretary, which can be contacted via email at wxnses@gmail.com.

Online Resources
The Church sponsors two (2) online resources: (1) LDS.org, a website, and (2) LDS Tools, an app available on Apple and Android. LDS.org and LDS Tools are referred to individually and collectively hereafter as “Online Resources.”

No Duplication or Reproduction
Online Resources provide directories, calendars, and leader information for the Stake and its attendant wards and branch. Information available through Online Resources is not reproduced or otherwise duplicated on this website.

Your LDS Account
For you to receive all the information to which you are entitled through Online Resources, either by Church membership, or your calling or role in the Church, you must create your LDS Account, which is a single user name and password for any person who interacts with Church sponsored online resources.
When registering for an LDS Account, members of the Church are asked to provide their membership record number (MRN) and their birth date. When you register using your MRN and birth date, Church applications like LDS.org can take advantage of LDS Account credentials to determine and grant appropriate access based on your current role (for example, bishop, stake president, etc.), ward, and location.
For you to create your LDS Account, follow the directions here.