Dear Group Four Facilitators,
It has been such a marvelous experience to observe the blessings you have helped bring into the lives of those in your Self-Reliance groups. It is rapidly approaching the time when we as a Stake and the Church will recognize each group member's accomplishments. Please mark on your calendar and plan to be with us on:
June 24, 2018 in the Primary room at the Stake Center beginning at 5:30 pm.
We will have a brief meeting and some light refreshments as the Bishop/President of each ward personally presents the certificate of completion to each group member. This is a fun time to recognize the truly significant accomplishment and contribution of the ministering councils of which you have all been a part.
Please do the following to make sure we are able to celebrate your group members to their fullest.
  1. Communicate with each member of your group and make sure they have set aside that date and plan to attend and personally receive their certificate. There are a couple from other stakes, they too should be invited and a member of the Stake Presidency will award them their certificate.
  2. Please bring a dozen of your favorite munchable goodies like cookies or brownies.
  3. Double check your roster and your final end of class registration report to make sure each person who has qualified is reported. If you have any questions please call me and we'll figure it out.
Thank you again for your faithful service. You have truly made a difference.
Best Regards,
Brother Burbidge

A Ward based course on Personal Finance will begin on Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 pm at the Stake Center. Brother and Sister Piggott of the 12th Ward will act as Facilitators and the course will include participants from the 12th, 9th and 13th Wards.



The Woods Cross North Stake will be holding Stake directed Self-Reliance Initiative Devotionals in August 2018 and again in January 2019.  Please contact your Ward Specialist or Bishop or the Stake Specialist for current information. Specific dates for Stake and Ward directed courses will be added as determined.