你好,Pagbati, Hello Everyone!!
Chinook winds are so nice!! Like soo nice! They are warm winds that raise the temperature and we have now had them back to back for two weeks so instead of being -30 C we have been about -10 C which is awesome! It makes doing the work more bearable and more people are out! So we have been enjoying that!
This week has been just kind of chill with nothing much going on. On Monday we had a lot of lessons that took a bit of our P-day which was alright cause the work of the Lord is progressing which is always a plus! We are hoping to put two kids on date for baptism here soon which would be awesome so pray that we can get lessons with them!
Every week we help out at the Salvation Army in their food bank but it flooded in their basement so we helped them move a bunch of food for 2 hours which was crazy but also a lot of fun! Defienetly took a little breather afterwards which was nice and we found someone as well! God is so good!
This week I decided to assign my companion to give the training in district council in which he learned to make balloon animals which is fun and now when we drive he makes them which is fun but low key actually loud sometimes espicially when they accidently pop haha! We did some traveling to visit some people that live over an hour away which was fun and met some great dogs that didn't eat us!
This week has honestly been pretty chill! We played some basketball and it was Filipinos vs Americans and Middle Easterns 4 on 4 and we low key won cause Americans and Middle Easterns on top for real! Even though it was a lot of broken English and some dirty plays from the other team we pulled out a clutch win!
Spiritual Thought:
Moses 6:64-65 "And it came to pass, when the Lord had spoken with Adam, our father, that Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the water, and was brought forth out of the water. 65 And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was born of the Spirit, and became quickened in the inner man."
Even Adam knew the importance of baptism by immersion which is super cool because that is what we teach! I know that baptism by immersion and the laying on the hands of the holy ghost is the way to make our first covenant with Christ and to enter the gate and partake of Eternal Life! I'm so grateful for the gospel and the scriptures and all I learn!
Love you all!
- Elder Strong