Tymakoa Crockett


Updated 2/19/2024

Lunes- for the first time since i got here we kinda just had a chill normal p day. I got to call my family and stuff abd saw my twin sister wearing a missionary tag. I dont know why but when i started wearing a tag it was no big deal. But seeing kaiimi wear a tag was mind blowing. I have felt so much joy for her this week as i know a mision will change her life. Kaiimi has always demonstrated a sense of commitment that i really dont have much of. Im so excited to hear about the miracles she will bring about in her mission!!!

Martes- a little bit crazy of a day. First i should say that me a my comp get along super well but, from time to time we like to play jokes on eachother. So Tuesday morning we found some eggs of some sort in our backyard. We were trying to figure out what they where when i gave up and went to shower. Somehow my comp got the idea to throw the eggs at me over the shower curtain. This would have been fun and games but shortly after he threw all 6 eggs we found out they were rotten. On the bright side not one egg hit me on the not so bright side the smell was terrible. I grabbed my towel and sprinted out of the bathroom only to find that elder palencia, my comp had threw up all over the floor because the smell was so bad.i helped outside in our little background where he then begain to throw up more adding to the smell. After that we spent the morning running in and out of our bathroom to clean for as long as we could without getting sick. We had district council so we had to keave our apartment smelling of eggs but we left the backdoor open for the smell. That night we returned and we found 2 dogs sitting on palencia's bed with all. OuR trash scattered across the floor. It was truly a funny day.
Miercoles: kinda a sad day we had our emotion resiliance class and after that we where able to visit our friend Snaider and his family. They haven't been in their house for a couple days so we were excited to see them. Snaider is one of our friends that wants to be babtised. But after talking with them turns out Snaider had been in the hospital for the last 4 days bc he is very sick and needs a surgery to fix his liver but the family cant aford the surgery. They do have some medicine that could help him i guess but please keep him in your prayers. This family has nothing they live in a mud and grass house. Its really hard to see all the poverty here especially when it affects the children. We did finish up with a fire english class though. A 14 year old girl asked me if my hair was real in the middle of class while i was taking questions about the grammer witch was so random and now its an inside joke with some of the members.
Juves: i spent the entire day in the mission home in the one hour we had in our area we where able to start a little fundraiser for snaider witch is exciting. In the mission house i basically had a graduation ceremony along with all the other people getting trained witch was sick. The best part being that we got papa johns pizza. Yes there is such thing as papa johns in piura but only one i think. And every pizza is about 50 soles witch is way expensive so it was fope to be able to have pizza here. Probably my last time in this mission though. But the meeting went late so me and my comp had to share a twin size bed for the night witch was not fun haha.
Viernes: a miracle filled day we were able to have three member present lecciones witch was great. We went to the small village of monta castia again and found four new people theough are english class. After that we got to go vist snaider with some members and give their family food and a little bit of money bc of our fundraiser. This probably was one of the best feelings ever. All of snaider's younger siblings were smiling and dancing over the bread we gave them and my hesrt was truly filed with the joy of christ. The next experience was truly a miracle as well as my comp said to me lets go visit franco and his family super fast. This family is an inactive family that we have been trying to come to church for awhile. They want to but they are very busy always even their 6 year old daughter works 6 hours every day selling Popsicles. They have a large family and basically they all are always working bc they dont have much. But we visited and they where all there. The problem is they were all there and they all were crying when we walked in. Everyone was crying and me and my comp where so confused. We are still not positive what happened but it was a miracle we where there. The family was very distressed and we where able to talk about christ and how we can find peace through him. I then was inspired to talk about blessings of comfort and we gave evey member of the family a blessing. The spirit was so strong and the father asked to talk to us outside and weeping just said thankyou to us. We then challenged him to help his family make it to church every sunday and he agreed. GOD IS GOOD!!!
Sábado: another dope day we had two future missionaries acompany us for the day witch was super fun. We taught a lot of people and one lesson in particular was really good. After a full day of lessons we had a family night with the family yovera and some other members. To end the night with some fun i taught them how to ppay charades witch was a big hit. The punishment for the losing team was they had to dance. This brought up the question, whats hawaiian dance? I told them my sisters are all amazing hawaiian dancers and i knew a little bit. I ended up pulling up a video and they all thought it was super cool. They then begain to start chanting my name untill i gave in and showed them some hawaiian basics. Thry loved it and after that they all wanted to show me all the different dances of peru. There was was about 15 people there and everyone wanted to dance a different type of dance. Even my comp showed us the basic steps of something called cumba. Everyone was laughing and cheering and it was a great night.
LINK FOR PHOTOS!!!! https://photos.app.goo.gl/QNHUEthS3XUm2iYX8