Tommy Holbrook


Updated 6/3/2024

 Good Evening friends and family. This last week i was in Santa Fe for almost the whole week. I went to Taos on exchanges with Elder Shawcroft and we did alot of Knocking doors. We had some really good lessons. I'm definitely grateful to know that I will be able to see my love ones after this life. 🤍 But to finish off a good day in Taos, we went to Baskin Robbins and got ice cream. There's a member that owns it. So we got free ice cream! 

  Also this week I had a really cool experience that happened. In my mission we use Facebook to talk to people. So at the beginning of my mission I talked to this guy that was kinda homeless and wasn't doing so well. He also lived out of state. I would reach out to him every once in a while and shared the Book of Mormon with him and talked alot about the gospel. But just recently I called him this week and found out he's going to church, was baptized, and just got the Aaronic priesthood! He was able to go to the temple and he's about to make another covenant in the temple very soon! 
  I'm so grateful to be able to use Facebook to help people come closer to Chrsit and to see my friend change his life so much to find true peace and happiness. 
(The weeks are just flying and I can't remember what happened throughout the week!)
I love you all! 
-Elder Holbrook