Malia Hawley


Updated 6/3/2024

 Hey everyone!! Another month another email! Sorry I get busy week to week catching fish, iguanas, turtles, etc. Buuuut this week alone felt like a month...SO much happened. We saw sooo many miracles!!

Picture two sister missionaries biking in POURING rain and a lightning storm and singing "called to serve" that was my companion and I this week. We got drenched and were praying we wouldn't get struck by lightning. We had SUCH BLAST. So the good news is that we are staying together another transfer!!!
Even though we stayed in the area we had to move houses. We were pretty much homeless all week just house hopping and living from our suitcases. Buuuuut we got to hang out with our favorite senior missionary, Sister McDonald and now we have a reallyyyy nice apartment😎
More great news!! We put our friend Deajaun on date for baptism!! He is so cool! We met him at a park and he wanted to meet! He has progressed so well and is planning to be baptized on June 22nd!! Also catch him in the NFL drafts in the next year or two...not even exaggerating he plays football for Albany State right now. He's so excited to be baptized!
Next is with Tyra!! She has been ready for baptism for a little while but was struggling to figure our her living situation. Yesterday I fasted for her situation and she came up to us after church and told her that things with her work and an apartment have lined up so she can move soon to be baptized!!!!
And we had 2 miracles with members  About 2 weeks ago we got in contact with a member named Lucas. He had been going inactive but we were able to get him involved with the ysa and since then he has come to everything, given a talk, bore his testimony, had us over for dinner every week, and he's helping us out with lessons. We have had the privilege of seeing the light of christ entering back into his life!!
Last but not least we found a girl named Dantz. We came to find out that she was baptized when she was 8 and ended up moving and losing the church. Since we met her she's been at church every week, met with us, and now she is preparing for her patriarchal blessing and working towards a temple recommend!!! We have been re-teaching her everything and she LOVES it all!!! Yesterday at church she showed us a picture of the missionary who found and baptized her. We found him on facebook and he ended up being the same missionary that found another convert in the branch who just returned from her mission and who has been helping Dantz as she has been returning to church. They were able to FaceTime him yesterday with us and it was such a special experience. 
I'm so grateful I get to stay in this area to experience all these miracles. GOD IS A GOD OF MIRACLES!!!! 
Love you all!!
♡//Sister Hawley