Kai Stevens


updated 6/3/2024



Cheers to another week!
This week was baller as usual! God is good, all the time! We found some really cool people, one of which is named Bernard and he wants to be baptized, so he could use prayers, we also put our friend David on date as well! They bother are studs! Me and Elder Swain are doing great! He's a stud, he's from Farmington so not to far from my stomping grounds. I don't know what I've shared recently but Elder Wong came to the mission, did a mission tour, talked about member work, came to the Loveland Stake Conference and talked about member work and got us fired us! We also went to Martin's cove last Monday, the whole mission was there which was a blast! 
I'm doing great! Thanks for all the prayers and emails and everything else! Yall are the best! 
Yours truly, 
Elder Stevens