Elder Kade Baker

Updated 3/12/24

Kade has been on his mission for 6 months, and about 4 months now spent in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo east mission. Due to the smaller size mission and things moving around so much he has been transferred 3 times already and has had several companions and even more roommate Elders.

Right now he is leading his area in Los Mina, a sector of Santo Domingo.
He has just given me his first complaint of "messy roommates". Haha! His companion, Elder Mercer, is also from Bountiful and he is liking him, but the other two missionaries they live with are not too great at cleaning up after themselves. He said he feels like he's back home with his messy siblings!
He's had several baptisms recently, but one of his favorites was his little blind 90 year old buddy that he got to baptize.
His stomach is finally getting used to the food, he's trying to get used to the heat and humidity, speaking Spanish like a local and still enjoying his hobby of thrifting every Pday!
His favorite things there are the cars. He wants to go back after his mission and buy pretty much every car and motorcycle!