Gavin Wilko
Updated 5/15/24

What up yall. We had a pretty baller week. 

Tuesday we went to go take the bus but missed it... we started walking up the river. We talked to this mid aged couple and they took a Book of Mormon and seemed very interested. We ran into a less active member who's Cambodian. She just moved from Kansas up here. Then we ran into this mother named Alexis. She said that she has been looking for a church to go to. Her daughter was super excited about it. 

Wednesday night we were supposed to have a lesson.. that fell through. I randomly called a lady named Denise. We asked if she could do a church tour that night. She was there in an hour. She loved it. She loved how family centered we are. She loved how we do baptisms for the dead. She loved it all. 

Thursday we had a few of the members in the ysa come out with us. We ran I to a less active member named Ramon (we didnt know that at the time). He was Rollin dubbies. As we started talking with him he said he was a member and all the memories were coming back to him about blessing the Sacrament.... he wants to come back but wants to quit a bad habit. Church isn't for perfect people, it's for all, it's a place to repent, change, improve.

Elder Wilko