Logan VonNiederhausern


Updated 2/5/24

 Well hello again! Afta yufala oraet?! Man this was a crazy week! So much happened it went by quick! We had transfers, MLC, and zone conference haha. 

Okay okay so last Monday, we had MLC and it was so much better than I thought it would be! All the ZLs and STLs from the mission got together to discuss all the issues we saw in the mission and what we could do to change to make it better. It was super fun just to vibe with the New Cal missionaries haha. 
Tuesday we had MLC again! And we literally picked up right where we left off from Monday. We also had a team building exercise where we built a stand from marshmallows and spaghetti, to hold hymm books, and who ever had the most hymm books stacked...won! 
Guess who's team won??.....THE TEAM I WAS ON WON!  Anyway though, MLC was super fun! The spirit I felt there was so cool, it was olsem lo spirit insaed lo temple. So it felt really cool, because it's been almost 2 years without going to the temple; and I miss it so much! 
Wednesday transfers got announced and man it was crazy! Some were upset and some were happy. Well I'll be staying in freshwota with a new companion. I'm super happy for this coming experience! So mostly Wednesday my companion was packing and getting ready to go to Santo. 
Thursday was super busy we had to get up at 4:30am to take some missionaries to the airport. Saw the southern cross for the first time in awhile. Then took another elder to the airport. Did some ZL duties. We then went back to the airport to pick up some more elders from Santo, one of the elder brought me some chicken mo chips from LCM. We drove around a lot getting missionaries situated for transfers. Then me and my comp went to the mission office to work on out power point for zone conference. 
Friday we had zone conference and it was super good! I gave my first ZL training!! i was super nervous, but it went well haha. We washed ( dumped water) on out AP for his birthday. After zone conference we took some elders back to their area..on the other side of the island so we drove around the island and didn't get back home till like 8 at night. 
Saturday was super fun. After our P studies, me and my comp walked into town and did some smol shopping. We then took some new missionaries with us to the area. We went and saw everyone that i knew of, which was only like 10 people haha. It kinda feels like we're white washing again haha. 
Sunday after church we took gas to the sisters house, then drove up to Eton, to make some baptismal interviews for like 6 people! It was super cool and fun! Then we came back and found 2 members houses that we can go visit now. One of them hasn't had missionaries at their home for like 2 years! So I feel really good when we see them and they get super excited to see us! 
Well like I've said before, I'm so incredibly happy to be serving a mission. It's by far the beat decision I've ever made! I have grown so closer to my Heavenly Father and I know he loves me and you so very much! I've been studying it up on the atonement, and man is it amazing! Jesus Christ died for us..so we could all live with him and Heavenly Father again! 
I love this gospel.
I love the book of mormon.
I love our Papa God mo Jesus Christ.
Lo nem blo jisas Kraes amen. 
Love elda vonnie