David Kendall


Updated 2/19/2024

Subject: Don't Come to Church (it will cost you)
It's really just unfair. Two weeks in a row now, and I'm not sure what to do. Sunday is the most important day of the week for us missionaries (should be for everyone, but I digress). We want our friends to come. Why? So they can learn to make covenants, be edified and stand in holy places. And so on and so forth. Church is a big deal. Even before we are baptized, the Sacrament serves as a reminder to us of the goodness of our Savior. It is a motivator for us to do better and be better. 
At church we come to understand better the purpose and plan of Jesus Christ as it applies to our lives. We learn to feel and recognize the spirit. We learn how to seek revelation and to strengthen our testimonies. We forge bonds of friendship with those around us and edify one another, teaching each other the doctrine of salvation. Church is a big deal. So I sure do wish the police would stop parking outside our building.
Two weeks ago, as we were sitting in the chapel waiting for the meeting to start, we got a call from a friend we were expecting. We stepped out quick to answer and learned that our dear friend and his family had been stopped by the police outside and they asked for our help. We obliged, not exactly knowing what kind of help we could possible be other than a smiling face. Apparently they wanted us to translate, but the officer went ahead and phoned a friend instead. Anyway, all became sorted and our friends joined us in the meeting. Lovely folks (with an adorable toddler).
Well that was that, we thought, and we moved on. We fixed up our friends a ride this week so nothing should go awry. Is what we thought until about twenty minutes before church started. We hadn't quite gone out the door when we got a call. Not somebody we recognized, but over WhatsApp so they must know us. Well we answer and introduce ourselves.
Our new friend answers and gives a brief hello before we are handed off to another voice. "Hey this is officer..." and you get the gist. They got another one. This time we weren't even expecting them. This time our translation services are desired, so we do our best, though I can't say I've ever studied legal terminology in Spanish. Well, we scoot on over to church to meet our friend and he greets us warmly and joins us inside. He had a good time. Glad to see that, despite his initial welcome. Hopefully we'll see him back.
Hey, hi there, good afternoon everyone. Hope you're doing well and that your Sunday was better than our friends. I'm doing great. I've accepted the fact that I'm permanently tired and that it probably won't go away. But that's okay because miracles make it better and they're readily available. Just takes faith and a first step and spiritual momentum starts to take you. Isn't that a neat gospel? Anyway, I love you all. ¡Hasta luego, amigos!
Big boots
We do not know this lady. She does not know us. Someone just decided we needed a picture together. Ni modo